More Machines of Moldova!

(this photo is from the internet, I try to not take pictures of people I don’t know, a. because it is rude to take someones photo without permission, and b. because I try to not look like a tourist.)
So these things are a legitimate form of transportation here. Basically it is a roto-tiller without the tines, hooked up to a small wagon. (Roto-tillers, for those of you who don’t know, are machines used to turn the soil in gardens.) Some of them have a hand cranked flywheel starter like a model “T” Ford. I think this picture is from the Philippines, where my pop lives. They seem to be used strictly for transporting goods in Moldova

I have no idea who makes these beauties, but they are definitely based on a Lambretta design. They have a 2 stroke motor that sound (and smell) like my beloved Vespas. The fixed front fender and motor is all Lambretta though. Lambretta officially ceased production in 1972, but they are still manufactured in India, and, apparently, somewhere in eastern Europe…

Stylistically, this is my favorite Russian car. It is a Zaparozhec. (Try saying that three times fast) It reminds me of the 60-63 Ford Falcons, without the grill. Seriously, how did these cars keep from overheating? Actually, that might be one of the problems. I have only seen two of these cars, parked in yards, this one is my neighbor Valentins. I have offered to help him get it running, so hopefully at least one will be operational when I leave.
This is a “Moskvich.” I think they are a little more upscale than the Lada, primarily because there are less of them. Also, they have small fins and are just nicer looking. Notice the spoiler on the back of this bad boy. Somebody has seen “The Fast and the Furious” a few too many times. I can just imagine how much this car hugs the turns while “drifting.” I would bet anything this beast is tricked out with a 7 inch exhaust tip. You know, for the enhanced performance.

Oddly enough, I had a request for more photos of police cars. Hopefully I’m not being duped into contributing classified information. If so, these Lada police cars are a really poorly kept secret. I have noticed the model numbers start at 1200 and go to 1600, I don’t know if that is engine size in c.c. or different carriage options. They all seem to be the same to me. Also known as, a terrible vehicle. Seriously, what incentive would a criminal have to stop if they were being chased by one of these? Low on gas? Also driving a crappy Lada? Laughing too hard? It just doesn’t make any sense…
